Is it possible to buy additional actions for an app or account per month?

on the business plan is available only 500000 actions for the account at the same time also available 10 applications for publishing, but if on average in each application will be about 8k users, then it turns out that for each user is available 1 action per day, what nonsense.

is there any possibility to buy additional actions for the account or separately for the app?

does anyone know ? thanks in advance

Welcome. Yes you can buy extras on the higher plans. It’s all in the documentation

thank you so much and one more question) is it possible to buy more storage space?
i didn’t find any information of it

What does it say in the docs? Or the pricing page?

there’s no any information about it.

About Storage : Adalo Database Memory Storage - #4 by dilon_perera

Currently the page has been removed. I guess best is to Submit a Support Ticket!

Hi Dilon

The OP is on the Business plan…like $200 per month. I read somewhere (a while ago) that the Additional App Actions on that plan is like $15 for 150,000 additional actions per month.

Is this still true?

Best Regards

So its $10.00 for 200,000 additional actions. This is the Special Add On Pricing for the Business Plan

I hope this is still valid. Can someone confirm?

Actions amount has been tweaked / halved overall. Used to be 1M now 500k. Not sure if the addons got a similar treatment.

As regards storage, there is indeed nothing in the docs regarding extras.

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