Keeping staging data separate from production data. Staging <> production database

I’d like to keep my testing data separate from my production data(base). How do you all handle staging vs production database? I can’t seem to figure out a way to keep testing records separate from production data without creating a new app.

Thank you!

Hi @Judith,

Unfortunately, there is no efficient way to do it in Adalo. :frowning: Working with a published and popular app becomes some kind of a “cowboy - coding”…


Thank you! So when your app is published, you just create test records and keep those in between production data? Or do you delete them one-by-one? Or…?

You can give your test data a boolean like Test=TRUE. Production data will have Test=FALSE.

  1. Create a simple admin panel in Adalo editor.
  2. Display records (filter for Test=TRUE) in a custom list
  3. Delete these records using countdown timer to trigger the delete action

This way you do not need to scroll down the db deleting one by one. Just be careful that you do not delete production records.

Hi @eduscvs,

That depend on the app.
For instance, in some apps I have test user accounts, and I know that all data (settings, orders, payments, etc.) linked to this account is a test data.
Sometimes I use a T/F flag like @eduscvs suggested, e.g. not to proceed test payments with production components (although I never delete such data automatically). I used such flags even for the whole organizations in the app (so if org is a test one, all data related to it, including users, products, … is a test data).
Sometimes I create test records as “real” ones, but in a way they could be clearly distinguished from the production data. E.g. have an even set up in the past or far future. Although it’s not a good practice, sometimes it is too difficult to alter the existing app to work with test records properly.
