Leaving Adalo, any way to easily migrate users?

After a year of MVP learnings, I’ve finally decided to rebuild my app outside of Adalo. This decision was based PURELY on Adalo’s “app interaction” pricing model. My app uses a swipeable stack (not a dating app, but think Tinder-like) and it has become cost-prohibitive even with 5000 beta users. I love the ecosystem here and the ease of publishing, but my market won’t bear what i would have to charge as my users “swipe” multiple times and incur “app-interactions”. Frankly, this is the dumbest possible model if there is no flat-fee alternative.

That said, I know that I can export my users collection to a CSV, but is there a way for me to export hased-passwords, or will i need to setup a flow where the user needs to reset when logging into my new app?

Am i better off migrating data via CSV or API? As far as data relationships I’m assuming one to many, many to one don’t really matter as I can set the foreign keys appropriately in my new database correct?

Thanks for any advice. I don’t want to be making this switch, but the pricing model just doesn’t work for me.

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