Hello everyone, I have been looking for hours for something that I think should be very simple. In my app people can upload photos that can be seen in the app. Of course it happens that the user is not satisfied with one of the photos and would like to delete it or replace it with another photo.
With a “form” you can upload a photo, but here you can also change a photo. But only before you upload it.
So I want the user to be able to change a photo if the photo has already been uploaded, a customer should be able to do that!
But I can’t find or implement either option. This must be possible, because this happens often, right?
Sorry for all my questions, I’ve only just started using Adalo, but I’m really enjoying it. Thanks everyone.
Hi @Rinus,
There is an action to update a record which will help. E.g. if you have Users collection, and you have “Photo” property there, of type “Image”, you can add a form on some screen, select an option to “update logged-in user”, and set a “Photo” field in this form. With this you will update the photo for a logged-in user.
You can do the same with the image picker and a button (add an update logged-in user to the button, and set the photo source as image picker).
Also you can update images for records in other collections, you just need to have access to current record on a screen.
Hello Victor, I don’t mean the user picture, or profile picture. Let me give you an example. A user wants to sell his house and posts 10 photos on the app. But he makes a mistake, one of the 10 photos is from another house. Now the user wants to modify this photo with a photo that is of his house.
The action to update a record is only for the user profile photo. not for the collection Photos.
@Rinus you can update an image in any collection. You need to have an access to current record on the screen with the update action.
E.g. imagine you have a screen series:
- Houses - with list of Houses, filtered by Logged-in User → Houses. The item in the list links to
- View House - on this screen Current House record is available. Then:
– if you have photos properties in House collection (e.g. photo1, photo2, etc), you can update any of this properties from View House screen
– if you prefer storing photos in another collection, you can have a list of Photos, filtered by Current House → Photos. You can work with photos on this or subsequent screen.
I would suggest that you explore more here: Lists - Adalo Resources.
Hello Victor, I think this is not working. I made a list in which my photos are shown. There is a link at the bottom to another screen where I can see the photo in question. This all works. The photo comes with an action to update the photo. When I click on that, the circle starts to turn, its thinking. But in the end, nothing happens? I don’t get the option to choose another photo.
Sorry for all my questions.
This is the list for the pics. When I klik on 1 of the photos I see the photo on the other screen. (next picture)
Here you see the screen for the pic with the update action. When I klik with the mouse on the pic , it starts to think but then it stops. And nothing more.
@Rinus You need to take new picture from somewhere. Use either Image Picker + Button or a Form (and configure it).
Hi Victor, it works. I would never have been able to figure this out myself. May I thank you very much. Greetings Rinus Joosen
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