Hello, Adalo Masters!
I always appreciate your help and support.
I have a question that I have been struggling to resolve.
I made an app that you can create and book social activities.
For each activity, of course there will be ‘request to join’ button so that other users can join.
I made the button a list with different conditions.
For example)
Host : A
A created an activity called ‘Movie night’
Random user B saw the activity and wants to join.
However, ‘request to join’ button only appear to user B when below conditions are met
What is this a list of?
= Activities
Filter : All activities
Customer Filter:
- Title / is equals to / Current activity > Title
- Current activity > Requeting Users’ data / Does Not Contain / Logged in User
- Current Activity > Joining User’s data / Does Not Contain / Logged in User
- Current Activity > User > Email / is NOT equals to / Logged in User > Email
The reason why there are many conditions here is that I want to set different conditions for different buttons to appear.
As you know if B user is new to this activity, of courser
‘Request to Join’ button will appear.
If user B pressed ‘Request to Join’ button, then there will be another button appearing ‘Cancel Request’
Lastly, If the Host A accepts User B’s request, then the other button will appear ‘Not Going’ .
I tried so many things to make these three button appear according to the different situation. But there is no way I can do it with current Adalo system.
That is why I asked some questions to Adalo Staff and got the idea of ‘List’ button with different conditions.
The problem is that this takes really long time to load the button to appear.
And somehow, for some activities, it doesn’t appear as well.
I would appreciate if you could help me with this.
Many thanks…