LottieFiles desing problems

Hi guys!

How are you? Hope all of you find well.
First of all, sorry for my english (I´m a Spanish speaker).

I’m using a LottieFiles in some screens of my native app.
In some screens the Lottie appears perfectly but in others the Lottie does not math with the design. The Lottie appears with other size or are not align:

1- OK edit and preview:

2- OK edit but NOT OK preview:

Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.


I would say to check if you made the Lottie component a group and then modified the styles. I would recommend not changing the styles of a Lottie that way and keeping the component behaving as default.

Also, check how you have the elements grouped and the corresponding styles of those groups.

Another thing you can do is remove the Lottie component, add a new one and add the JSON.


Hi @charleshope!

Thank you so much for your help.
Solved! Your tips works.

Another tip: Lottie component don´t work with front or back element. For example, if you wanna build a empty list screen the Lottie must be alone. Without front or back element.

Thanks again for your help.

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