Magic pre-populate form?

I have a profile page for each user. I want the users to be able to update their profile. Currently I send them to a form and the form will update the profile data - works nicely. However, this doesn’t work well for an update scenario from a user experience because I can’t pre-populate the form for them. They may accidentally erase their own data.

I want to make it so that when they go to edit profile there is a form with inputs already filled in, so they can just update what they want and save. Possible?

Hi @nolan20 :wave: :wave:

Tell me If I understand your question correctly. Do you want like this? :innocent:

Thank you :blush: :blush:

Yes! I figured out how to do it. Instead of going to the create screen again, I just make another screen for update go there, and adalo takes care of everything. Thanks for help.

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Your welcome @nolan20 :blush:

Yes that is correct. For update you have to create a new screen and add the form and select update user.

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