Many to one then Many to many

Hi there!

I have an app with a One to many relationship and then a many to many relationship and I’m struggling with it!

Specifically i have the following relationships:

User to Projects (this is one to many - a project belongs to only one user, but a user can have multiple projects)
Projects to Skills (this is a many to many relationship - a product can have multiple skills, and a skill can belong to multiple projects)

What I’m trying to do is be able to show a user’s projects and associated skills. I am able to do this in a screen with a list within a list (see pic below) but then when I try to use the pdfgeneratorapi component, in the magic text I can access the ‘current project’ for a user’ but then not the ‘current skills’ for that project, only the count.

I have seen similar posts to this, but none that solve this particular problem. If anyone could help that would be much appreciated!

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What fields did you create in the database under skills?

Thanks for taking a look! So users are linked to projects and projects to skills as per screenshots

Then you should add a field under ‘Skills’ in the database that you want to be displayed in the selected section.

I want to display the skills by project. I seem to be able to do this in a list, but I’m trying to iterate through using the pdf API component and it won’t let me add skills in the magic text. As per screenshots

That is question for @dilon_perera or @Victor or @theadaloguy if he is here. Sorry

I think you should select the skills collection and filter it for current project >skills but the current project data should be available in the screen. How you come to the screen where this component located?

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Thanks all!

Yeah the screen has ‘current project’ available see screenshot. But I think the issue is it doesn’t then also pass through current skill.

Because when I then go into the skills selection I only get count, not the actual info.

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