I’m trying to make a location logging app and it seams that adalo wants to find nearest address not the actual lat/long of a point. Am i assuming correctly or am i missing a way to map coordinates Vs. the closet address to a set of coordinates?
Thanks, but i am trying to have a button get my lat/long on press then display on a map. the problem is it always puts me close to the nearest address not the actual lat/long where i was when i pressed button. I need just the raw lat/long not an address. google is making any lat long i enter into the nearest phyisical address
@mediamasons , you want to add the lat and long of the address to the marker address field in the app? You can add Current Item ( collection name ) > DS1 > lat and then you can add a coma and add long as the same.
If you want to save the lat and long directly in the database you can create a text property and if you are using a location input to create the address in the collection you can populate that created property with location input lat and long and if you use a built in form you can add a update action after the create action in the Submit button section and in that update action you can populate the created new property with DS1 > lat , DS1 > long.