Mike’s Club - We make living cost less!

Just wanted to share what we do, and how we plan to use Adalo. My company, Mike’s Club, is already operating, but we’re still building the app.


Mike’s Club is 3 things:

  • a thrift store that sells donated second hand clothing and household items (shopping open to anyone)

  • a membership club where subscribed members can borrow tools and DVD movies, and access other member services (essentially a Library of Things available for checkout by members).

  • a free grocery, providing donated groceries to anyone in need.

Membership is an add-on. Not required for general shopping or access to free groceries.

App Functions:

  • digital membership ID (members will display the app’s profile page when borrowing tools, or accessing other in-store member services. A scannable barcode will be displayed on the screen, for use when a member borrows tools etc)

  • Tools catalog (members can browse a photo catalog of tools available for borrowing. Initially for viewing only. Reservation function will be added later)

  • DVD catalog (members can browse a photo catalog of DVD movies available for borrowing. Initially for viewing only. Reservation function will be added later)

  • borrowing record (borrowed tools or movies will be displayed here, along with details including ‘due date’, ‘overdue’, etc. This information will be drawn from external database)

  • merchandise catalog (a simple photo catalog of thrift store merchandise available for purchase. Initially for viewing only. Shopping cart function will be added later)

  • announcements (a bulletin board style announcements and general information page)

  • messaging (a chat function, allowing communication between the store and individual members). Members will NOT be able to message each other.

Non-members will still be able to view catalogs, see announcements, and chat with the store. Hopefully this will encourage them to join the club.

I’m building the basic app now. I’d love to hear any suggestions or thoughts from those with more experience! Thanks so much!

You can see more about us on our website www.mikesclub.org, and our Facebook page Mike’s Club.


Superb :+1:

All the best Michael and your Company :facepunch: