Missing data after setting up multiple "create" actions

Hi guys,

Does anyone know why data sometimes goes missing in Adalo?

I have built and ecommerce app, and recently I built in a tracking system whereby every button that a user presses, a record is made so I can map their journey. As I was setting this up, I noticed that the order information on the checkout page was now missing. When I checked the app, everything works fine as if the data is still flowing through as I built it, but now I need to change the order process slightly and its not possible because I cant update the current order.

Are there certain rules using the “Create” actions? I can’t work out where the problem lies as there are a lot of buttons and tracking for every button!

Would anyone be able to help?

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I also experience problems with data collection on create actions.

I did some tests and try to understand. Is your app a PWA or a native one downloaded through stores?

See my post here.

I will also keep an eye on replies on your topic.

Hi @njf,

PWA or Native? I guess missing data issue? Did you check that? : Adalo Tutorial: Most Common Mistakes - Current Data Not Available On a Screen - YouTube , Adalo Tutorial: Most Common Mistakes - Current Data Missing From Screen, Data Loops and Flow Breaks - YouTube

Thank you

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