Has anyone figured out how to use the multi-select dropdown as the filtering criteria for a main list of products. I have a many-to-many relationship between ‘Products’ and ‘Attributes’. The multi-select dropdown is displaying the ‘Attributes’ collection. Each product has it’s appropriate attributes added to its record. I’m trying to to get the products list on the same screen to be filtered based on what is selected in the dropdown.(i.e. If I have Red, Small, Short selected as filter criteria then only the products with the attributes Red and Small and Short will be displayed) I’ve seen the ‘hidden text box’ trick butI don’t know how that could work when I have 40 possible attributes to pick from and almost 1,000 products.
If you could add me as your team member I could help you to make that and that would be much faster than to describe it by words
My email is: neonbrosua@gmail.com
Multiselect filtering works by Adding new attributes to the relasionship I have created. Users to Attributes any to many relationship. It plays a role of buffer that stores all the selected attributes.
Just getting some time to jump back into this. I LOVE what you did! That is a much better option than the multi-select dropdown I was using and is so much easier to use. I have one more problem though, I cannot figure out how to make the list of filtered products display only the products that contain all of the attributes captured in the ‘buffer’. I’ve had it displaying products containing any of the attributes captured in the buffer, but I can’t get it to only display the products with a complete match to all the ‘buffer attributes’
thanks again for all your help!!! I cannot tell you how much I appreciate this.