Multiple forms in a single screen


I want to create a form that simulate Typeform’s logic jumps, in other words I want to show fields to the user based on previous responses.

I think I nailed it when the field is conditional to a Boolean attribute, but for the other fields I am having some trouble.

A few questions:

  • To solve the issue one solution would be to have multiple forms in a single screen, but with a single Submit button, is it possible?
  • How do I link a Text input field to a database?
  • Is it possible to add a Date input field not as part of a form (the same way I can do with text fields)?

You would be better off creating the forms manually using input fields. You can then link to them by referencing the “form inputs” option in the action menu.


I do this using a field in the db called step. When i press create step is set to one when i (update for it sets step to 2 and so on. I the place the entire form on one page and select the sections make them groups and set condition view if step = (each step number)

THis has worked well for me. I also use the progres bat extension so the user can see how far along the process they are.

Hope this helps.


Hi Colin, thanks for that.

It worked for the dropdown lists, but I tried to use the multiselect dropdown element and could not make it work. The MultiSelect component does not show up as a possible action on the submit button.

Do I need to use the multiselect component in a screen without other components?

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