Is there a way to have multiple text lines in a horizontal list? I am trying to build a welcome screen with a horizontal list of helpful hints with an image and then a few lines of text.
Alternatively, is there any way to better control the image size in a horizontal list, because when you hard code the text into the image, it only crops it to the width, so when you have a tall image (because you have had to include the text in the image) the image is shrunk, if you don’t crop it, and or expands to fill the width if you do crop it, with no regard to a height component. Very frustrating.
I tried the card list as well and it is no better at managing the image size, nor is the swipe tool on the market. It is like Adalo does not care about the presentation layer and is just in a rush to get things out the door. Particularly when there are no such issues with a vertical list. It would be so much easier if you had a horizontal list that you could just drop elements onto and separately control those elements the same way you can on the vertical list.
As to what I am trying to do is have a horizontal row of images with descriptions under neath them. Ideally multiple text boxes underneath the image to describe multiple aspects of the image, all of which come from database fields.
In one case it is for the welcome screen and to show and describe how to use the app - like many other apps do. This would be so much easier if I could define the height and width of the image in the cell instead of just the width and the spacing between images which is tedious and does not allow me to get the image height I want.
In another case I have a list of images with descriptions from a number of data fields, which I could combine into one field but since you do not allow for something as simple as wrapping text it does not solve the problem either.
I tried the card list as well and it is no better at managing the image size, nor is the swipe tool on the market. It is like Adalo does not care about the presentation layer and is just in a rush to get things out the door. Particularly when there are no such issues with a vertical list. It would be so much easier if you had a horizontal list that you could just drop elements onto and separately control those elements the same way you can on the vertical list.
As to what I am trying to do is have a horizontal row of images with descriptions underneath each of them. Ideally multiple text boxes underneath the image to describe multiple aspects of the image, all of which come from database fields.
In one case it is for the welcome screen and to show and describe how to use the app - like many other apps do. This would be so much easier if I could define the height and width of the image in the cell instead of just the width and the spacing between images which just tends to distort the image or put a huge margin around the image.
In another case I have a list of images with descriptions from a number of data fields, which would be simple if I could just put a series of text fields that pulled data from different fields. This would also seem to allow me to wrap text as required. However, neither of these options are available in the avatar list or the card list.
I have also thought about playing with layering images and as each image is clicked on have them swipe out to the left or right, and have series of dots on the bottom of the page indicating which image and text group is currently being viewed. The problem with this is that would require states to be managed or for the dot images to automatically toggle, which requires database updates and this is a very slow process in Adalo and often requires a screen update, which defeats the purpose.
I suppose I could just use layered groups and put a left arrow / chevron on one side and right arrow chevon on the other side and the image would slide to the left or right. But that does not seem to work well either.
A horizontal list like your vertical list would be the best and most flexibe option.
Hi Erik, I understand the frustrations this can cause.
It is a new feature and will only be improved over time. We certainly don’t rush these features out the door but we do try and make them available when they can cover 80% or more of how people might want to use them without ever reaching the limitations that they might have.