I have a multiselect dropdown where users can choose topics of interest and it updates their profile (ie. mental health, fitness, work…)
Categories and relationships are created, and when user signup their profile is updated with the correct topics.
On the “Update Profile” screen, they can update these through another multiselect dropdown. But testing it, if a user selects more topics, the profile does update correctly, but if they deselect a topic they previosuly had, it is NOT removed from their profile.
The dropdown has the following actions set up:
when an item is selected - update user (this is working)
when an item is deselected - updated user (this wasn’t working, so I added one more action: - UPDATE CURRENT MENTORSHIP TOPIC - REMOVE LOGGED-IN USER)
But it is still not working, newly selected topics are added to the profile (and database, with correct relationship to user), but deselected topics remain there.
How can I fix this?
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