Native iOS navigation?

From a PWA (for now) I need to use the native iOS map app to get directions to a customer. I’m aware of a YouTube video showing how to achieve similar with Google Maps, but this MUST be achieved with the native iOS map app.

On my UI element, I have an action that (from playing around) semi works, but it does not pass the address. When the element is clicked/pressed it does open the native map app, but it doesn’t navigate. No address is passed.



Morning all.

I know it’s only been 24 hours, but surely someone has experienced this in the past and has a solution?

Hi Michael,

Sorry for the delay. :slight_smile:

Did you see this video by @Erik?


Morning @James_App_Maker

Thanks, but that is the YouTube video I was referring to in my post. Initially, it was a huge help to get SMS/Phone shortcuts working. But, when it comes to navigation/maps the video only uses Google maps. And this solution won’t work for me.

I know its possible as our existing PWA app developed in another platform provides map navigation with the native iOS app.

Btw, it’s afternoon for me. :smiley: :world_map:

You probably can achieve this with a custom component if @Victor @Erik or others haven’t figured it out.

Custom Component Websites: @Michael @minriemacapugay


I have found a working solution. While it’s not perfect, it does what I need.

This is what I’ve used. It does open the iOS native map app and plot a path to the destination as I need.

The downside, when I switch back to my app there is a blank window, I have to click/press Done to close it. This appears to be a Safari browser window.

After I click/press Done, my app is back on the screen I last used.

Interestingly, when I use the same solution on a competitive app, I do not get this blank browser window appearing.

I thought native map navigation would have been a simple component/feature already built into Adalo. Just like playing a sound in a Click Action - but that’s a task for another ticket :slight_smile:

EDIT for clarity.
I found the solution on the Apple Developer documentation. Map Links

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The Google Maps linked search only works on PWA for me. On native android apk, it opens google maps but with empty research

@Torrsy for iOS Maps, refer to this article Map Links

If you use a native apple maps URL, it’ll direct the user to open apple maps if they have it.

Thanks for your reply @Erik

That is how I got my (above) solution working, with the Apple Developer documentation. The only downside is the blank Safari page that Adalo displays when I return to my app.

it might not show that blank safari page in the native app. :slight_smile:

Interestingly, I have the same blank page appearing when I use tel:#######.

I have tested the same use of tel: and maps on another (competitive) service and this blank page does not appear in a PWA.

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