Navigation and Speed are very slow

Hello team, Adalo is working very slowly today, and there are also many issues in the navigation. Is this problem occurring for everyone, or is it specific to certain tasks?

Thank you in advance

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navigation is slow. database access is also slow.

sometimes happening, sometimes not happening. sometimes I am getting error “Action cannot be completed”.

anyone else? systemwide outage or working for all ?

It’s been very slow for a few days for me. Even the designer is very slow. I’ve been trying to open one of my collections for the last two minutes, still waiting.

My native app is also very slow. It won’t load some images.

I think it is just web apps, I don’t have this issue with native builds.

Hello, it depends on the internet connection and device type if you’re using the web version. On the Native version it’s working well.

Thank you!

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