Need help grabbing the sum of money from forms per day

Hello, I am trying to grab information from forms and then putting the amount of money spent onto a list. I will run a scenario by you, if a user creates a form saying they ate pizza for 10$, that form was created today. Then goes to another restaurant a few hours later and eats a burger for 15$. I would want the amount added up and a list created to see the amount afterwards. I was leaching off of the place an order template but ran into an issue as I am creating forms not already uploaded data. But, basically the issue is that when you create a form and want to “add more” it takes you back to that form and creates another list of data. The database doesn’t know the two forms are linked together. How can I make them linked for each day? I will provide pictures of what I currently have and the issues I ran into.





Hello, you can filter by day, so add a filter that is (“Form created date” is equal to “the start of today”)


You need to reference the SUM from that collection and apply a filter.

Screenshot 2022-09-16 at 07.38.48

This SUMS ‘TempNumA’ from all Users, registered so far today.

I also wanted that information to be put into another tab for all data per day. But it isnt working the way I wanted it to because the issue im having is when you create a form and want to “add more” it takes you back to that form and creates another list of data. The database doesn’t know the two forms are linked together. How can I make them linked for each day so I can input the data correctly in the data tab.

What it looks like:

What I want it to look like:

For this ^ I would want to click on the date for that day and all the forms for that day would be displayed.

Would anyone be able to help me with this issue :slight_smile:

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