NEED URGENT HELP with the device’s back button

I urgently need help with the device’s back button (not the app’s back button). When I log in to my app, it works normally. When I click the logout button (fully configured for logout and to return to the login screen), it logs out and everything is fine. However, when I press the device’s back button, it returns to the home screen but without the filters applied. This means there is still full access… Please help me. I’ve seen that there is a partial solution (when I click the logout button, redirect to an intermediate screen and then that screen redirects to login. But this doesn’t work if pressed more than once) and a definitive solution, but it is paid. Is there any other definitive way without being paid?

You can set a condition before the logout screen to ensure that there is no active user in the app after logging out. To do this, you can apply visibility rules to the main components on the concerned screens, such as checking if there is no user (i.e., logged user → email is equal to EMPTY don’t show this component).

@anar Thank you very much for the tip. Based on your solution, I created one (but all the credit goes to you, haha). If the email is empty, redirect to the login screen. Do you know if there’s any way the user could bypass this?

My app also has similar bugs, in which users can do something intentionally or unintentionally. Users can go to those screens and see these components also, but how I created these screens, there is a need to be logged-in users to do actions/use components.
What I want to tell is, you don’t need to make it perfect. While making a lot of visibility rules you just make the app work slower. It checks all the time if there is a user or not. Try making only one visibility rule for NO USER on a few screens.

Btw before I created a feature like this but occasionally it threw some LOGGED-IN users to the screens which NO LOGGED-IN USER needed to go. Adding this kind of action sometimes does not work correctly as excepted. Keep in mind to test it on different devices multiple times.

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