New Components (1) Randomizer (2) Friendly URL - how to use?

Hi everyone

Can someone help with how to use the new components

  1. Randomizer
  2. Friendly URL

Videos with use-case would be great. Thanks.


I would also be interested in some documentation around how the friendly URL component works.


Same question here :raised_hand: I don’t know how the friendly url component works

You don’t need it. There is a RAND function already in the formulas.
the parameters are as follows RAND(low number, high number)

It will return a random number between those ranges.

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The randomizer will generate a random number for you based on the range that you provide and then you can set up actions that will save that number/date. A few use cases would be userID, random pin/access code or creating a random number on images so that when displayed they can sort by the random number to be fair.

The friendly URL can only be used with web apps. You’ll select the collection in the first drop down then use magic text for the name of the property within that collection that you want to be the friendly URL. For the redirect you will need to run the app and obtain that URL from that screen and then input it into the final input. The directions under each input will help guide you.


@ashley thanks!
Can we do this if the app is not published? so with preview URLs just to test …

Thanks for your explanation @ashley, but can you share a quick loom tutorial for both? I’m not able to fully follow you.
With randomizer, When is it triggered? Is it auto-action on page visit? Eg How can I ensure if a user ID is created once, it is not overwritten everytime a user visits that page?
Same with friendlyurl, would will be much easier to understand with video. Thanks.

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Thanks Ashley for your explanation.

But your explanation raises more questions and hypothetical scenarios to be honest, and components really need video tutorial + documentation.

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See: Make documentation for new components in Marketplace mandatory | Voters | Adalo

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Agreed with all the above. Has anyone successfully used the Friendly URL component in practice? Please share a quick screencast or screenshot of your setup. It’s undecipherable on how to set it up from the inline documentation in the component. thx

Try to follow the instructions but it seems impossible.

The friendly url component seems super essential to me.

Hey Guys! Don’t worry. Am creating a tutorial on it. I will make it available on my youtube channel within few hours!


@prakharm8 please post here once you have the tutorial up. I’m blocked on a project but this component looks promising as a method for solving the issue. thanks

@prakharm8 re you still intending to document the Friendly URL plugin? Unfortunately it’s unusable until someone who knows how it works can provide some guidance. thanks. cc @ashley

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same questions here…

  • is it important where to put the friendly URL box? If so on which screen?
  • does it work on the adalo subdomain or you need your own?

Whenever I try this I am simply routed to my home screen…

@prakharm8 I don’t care about the randomizer component. Do you know how the Friendly URL component works? That’s what everyone in this thread is trying to use and what you had said you were documenting via screencast. Lmk

I am interested in both components. I want to know how Randomizer is different from RAND() math function.

Its quite disappointing to see how little attention this thread has received from Adalo team, even after everyone saying they can’t follow the instructions after Ashley’s reply almost 3 weeks ago. Not sure what conclusions to draw from this.

Appreciate the community’s thoughts and comments. Its best if we all keep this thread active by posting every few days so this topic doesn’t get auto-closed. Or at least until decent tutorials are posted for both components.

I am going to produce a short tutorial on the friendly url component tomorrow as this seems to be a problem for most users and the component developer has not provided any further instructions on it.

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Hey @anon78309838 If your understand and can make a tutorial be amazing.

Thanks so much :blush:

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The maker of the custom component has said he will be producing a video tutorial on how to use this soon.

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