Numeric keypad in adalo

Does anyone know if it is possible to make a keyboard of this type in Adalo?
I did not find an option to automatically open a number keyboard in adalo

Hello, how are you? If not, you can create a component yourself in the database… a numeric keypad with a NUMBER property… then you put it in the list with the numbers, the action is to update the input you are looking for…

Another option is instead of pressing a number you can put a drawdown of the numbers database and you can only select.

It’s a good topic to make a tutorial and upload to the platform we are launching!

It is very puzzling that Adalo does not have a component/option for this - it is extremely basic.

Many times it also depends on the cell phone and the configuration… for me when I go to write in any input, the normal keyboard opens.

True, the strangest thing - is that there is an option in the input to set “number” or “text” - why does setting a number not open a number keyboard, is it a regular keyboard?

I bought it…
The component works for passwords, it lets you choose one digit in each square, it’s not built as a numeric keypad unfortunately

Maybe this one?

this is pin code only .

This is one of the things that really discourages the platform.
It’s so basic, and it’s just a ui killer.

Now we have to wait forever, maybe there will be a chance for it to change.

You can’t really develop like that, I hope adalo will allow some freedom.

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