Points system - Scanr

Looking to add a point system to my app. I’m very new to Adalo and this is my first app I’ve built. I’d like to have users scan a QR code and receive points for it. Can anyone recommend some help or an article? Basically the whole idea behind the app is you look on a map and see points to go to in your town or city, once you’re in the area of the pin on the map you go out and look for a sticker that our place with a QR code on it. Once you scan the code you get points on your account. Every town or city has their own leaderboard and whoever is number one with the most points is the mayor. There will also be a leaderboard for your friends on the app. Any help would be great and feel free to check it out with the link attached.

Hi @Jakesavage ,

I have done leaderboard system, it is very tricky if you want to get it real-time, but not so much if it is done daily update or even weekly.

If you have tried QR reader component, you will get value if the scan is successful and can compare if the value is valid, then you can proceed to have more actions, such as update and link to another screen.

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