PolitiWise - politics, with respect

Hello everyone. I have recently launched my app ‘PolitiWise’. PolitiWise is an app for American political discussion. The core ethos of this social media platform are what will drive the conversations, while the users decide which way to steer. The ethos being, this isn’t a typical “Just had coffee”, or “here’s my family Christmas pictures” sort of app. We ask that all user engagement is directed towards progressing any and all conversations. There will be no “gotcha” moments when discussing politics in this app. We simply ask that users take non-educational discussion to the chat system, or another platform.

The reason PolitiWise came to be, was that it is IMPOSSIBLE to discuss anything politically related without feelings, emotions, and hate coming into conversation. We hope to guide our users towards eliminating the echo chamber of politics that is every other social media platform. We want to encourage open-mindedness. The ability to allow yourself to learn, even if what you’re learning doesn’t pander to your side of the isle. We have a direct Country over Party belief system. An idea that has long been forgotten about in America. Everything has become “vote blue no matter who”, etc… and we find those sort of party over country philosophies to be dangerous to the longevity of our beloved nation.

A second core etho, is to encourage the current younger generations to educate themselves, learn why their voice and their engagement in the policies that guide America are important. This will come with features like our daily “learn something”, constant breaking news in our news feature, and group pages and petitions. With our petition feature, we hope to encourage younger generations to VOICE their concerns about specific policies they do not agree with, and have hope in CHANGING what they believe should be changed.

We want to bring American politics back to the “Gentleman’s” sport that it once was. We want to put respect back into politics. Get rid of the Popularity contest, and terminal divide that our country is looking at. We can have differing opinions while still keeping an open mind. We can vote for our preferred candidate without the need to block one another from our lives over it.

We want to build PolitiWise to be the change in politics that just about all of our country knows that we need. We want to educate the younger and the older generations on the importance of their voice. The importance of community. The importance of knowledge of the policies that guide and direct their day to day lives. To understand there is power in community. We all feel like an individual who couldn’t possibly make a change because well, we couldn’t, independently. But with PolitiWise, that doesn’t have to be the case.

PolitiWise has just begun getting it’s feet wet. We still have a ton of work to do on the app cosmetically. Even functionality has a ways to go in some cases. But this is a topic we know is important to the future of America, so we feel it is a project that is here to stay.

PolitiWise can be downloaded on both the iOS app store and the Android Play store, or can it can be added to your homescreen using our previewer link.

Keep in mind, the two developers of PolitiWise have been in the world of no-code app development for a very short time. 6 months roughly, but we intend on sticking this out for the LONG term.

Thanks for reading.

ScribbleMoore team.


Looks amazing! Great job :clap:

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Wow! Respects!

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Congratulations. Looks great!!

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