Query Parameter with Airtable

If I remove the query filter, I successfully get the 3 list items. If I set the query filter, no result at all and even, the request never ends (infinite loop)…

Can you try the formula with these brackets and see if it works, like this?

({BUSINESS_USERS} = ‘User email’)


F**K !!!

You’re right, absolutely right !!! I’m an idiot ! Or at least I have to correctly open my eyes …

Many thanks @AddyEdwin !!!

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There is no reason to wrap it in () - removing the {} is what fixed it.

Even the Adalo documentation is wrong on this. Just doing things “because they happen to work” is not particularly helpful.


Yep I also found later on that wrapping the entire formula in brackets isn’t needed

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it’s very idiotic but the field needs to be a text field, that is the issue. so make an action and copy the email field to a text field (in adalo and in airtable).

hello. this topic is so helpfull.
I have 1 question so Is

setting like that ???

I can’t filtered.

would you tell me my miss.

list setting like this.

I was working with a team yesterday who had a similar issue. The way we got it to work is by using the following value:

FIND(‘User Email Magic Text’, {Email_From_Airtable})