If I need to either take action or display a time based on user-entered time, I can’t display it correctly if a) I don’t know the time zone of the date field and b) need to display or take action on the date in another time zone.
I would have to ask the user to enter the time in the other time zone but in local time! For example if the user is EST and the start time for an event is 7pm PST, the user would need to enter 4pm start time. Then if the user moves to PST time zone, they need to use local time zone.
But worse of all, when using APIs (to send scheduled reminders or messages for example) you don’t know what time zone they were in when entering the time!
Is this the only workaround currently (post #3)? Date&Time Error... does Adalo account for Daylight Savings?
I might have figured it out… Need to test