Quiz function Integration


I would like to integrate a quiz function into my app.
I have seen a tutorial on this and found it difficult to implement.
Have you had any experience with the quiz app from NoCode Monkey or do you have any other recommendations that are relatively easy to implement?

Many thanks and best regards

@phil1, there’s some videos. : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9oiNvojn5Q&pp=ygUKYWRhbG8gcXVpeg%3D%3D (made by @parker), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxWhnbeGJFg&pp=ygUKYWRhbG8gcXVpeg%3D%3D (made by @theadaloguy )

Also I have built a quiz app too : My First App In Adalo - Quizzy

Not sure about the No code monkey’s one because haven’t used that. Maybe if you could share the settings I could help.

Hi Dilon,
thank you very much. I had some trouble with publishing the App the last days. Now I want to improve the user experience with adding a Quiz functionality and make a new build after checking the basic App. I would like to share the expereince with you when finding out which way is the best to take in the moment. Is it okay to contact you again? Best Regards