I purchased the VisualDev Radio Btn component, but I’m not sure how to make it work.
I’m using it the onboarding process, where, in separate screens, I ask some questions to my users.
The first question would be about gender, so I created a “Gender” collection, added 5 records (Male, Female, Non-binary, Other, I’d rather not say), added a property linking to Users (a Gender can have multiple Users, a User can have only one Gender), and set the Gender collection to the “Select list items” field of the Radio Button component:
Then, in the “Options” setting of the component, I set “Magic Text > Current Gender > Name” for “Text” and “Value”:
Now I’m not sure what action to set for the button I added to the bottom of the page.
In my mind, the action would be “Update > Current Gender > (in the Users field) Add Logged in User”.
Alternatively, it would be “Update > Logged In User > (in the Gender field) Add Gender from Radio Button”.
Neither options are available.
What am I missing?