Remove someone from my team adalo

Hello, the other day a user added me to help him with something in his app, but I want to remove him from my team… how do I do it? He sent me the request

Hi @Santiago,

As far as I’m aware unfortunately , the one that added you to his team have to remove you from the team going to the Settings section > Team & Billing section. If you add him to the team you can remove him!

That person has to see a remove button next to your name like this :


And If you need someone to remove that you gave the access to that specific app ( adding in the app access section to give the access for that app. ) you can remove that user going to the App Access section :


Thank you

YES, I already told him to delete me but according to him he deleted me and I see that he didn’t… I’ll tell him again… thank you! It would be good if adalo also allows us to eliminate it


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