Restrict registration based on email TLD?

Is it possible to restrict registration only to users with specific email addresses? For example, an official company email address. eg.

The experience would be the user getting an “Not allowed” message?

This is probably very simple, I know.


Hi David,

Welcome to the Community! :partying_face:

The Google Sign-in Component has this feature.

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@bostondave hey David, you can achieve that but with a custom sign-up form.

Use a text input element and a button.

On the button, add an action to sign the user up.

But set some conditions: the text input must contain

And on the button, set a visibility condition to only appear if the text input contains

If you want the “not allowed” message to appear, you might want to have that underneath the button in the editor. So if the user inputs, the button will appear and cover the “now allowed” message.

There’s no “does not contain” condition at the moment, so this is as close a workaround as there is.

Hope this makes sense :slight_smile:

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