Hello @scientist ! Look. I’m in the same situation as you. I love Adalo, his workflow and the big Canvas. I’m using it since 2 years and i pay the pro plan from 1. You are right, performance are kind of terrible as now. But hey, we are talking about a young Startup, like many others on the market. Adalo has received a big investment this year so we (customers) just need to wait for the temporary hiring/organization period to make stuff great. I use different No-Code tools to build Apps, like Glide or the New Flutter Flow, but everytime i come back to Adalo, for his semplicity to build NATIVE apks and TestFlight builds. You are absolutely right about the local storage now absent, but keep in mind that majority of people nowadays are h24 connected (Wifi or cellular).
Adalo apps are really slow when your connection is slow, but when you have always a good connection things change drastically… Not smooth at all but at least usable from majority of people.
Now the only thing to do, i know is hard, is to wait for the long list of bugs/adjustments to be made in order to give finally a solid experience. First of all, the loading time of custom LISTS.
Hey all. I’ve been checking in on all the work around performance and our top goal currently is to get Counts Performance out the door ASAP. We’ll wrap up testing for this next week and if we don’t find any major issues it’ll go out the following week. “Changing how apps are stored” is in a similar spot and we’re hoping to get that through testing next week as well. I’ll post again next week to check in on both of these. “Improve action performance” is a bit further out so I’ll check back in about that after the other two are out the door. Finally, I wanted to be clear that the status of “External collection speed” on the Performance page is “in planning phase.” That means we’re still exploring ways to make improvements here so this one consequently does not have a timeline that I can make any commitments around. Thanks again for your patience and kindness!
Thanks for the update Josh.
Sounds like lots of updates are being worked on behind the scenes
Eu investi 30 dias de trabalho no Adalo e o projeto era para 5.000 usuários, quando chegamos em menos de 1.000 tudo travou e todos os usuários reclamando. Tive que migrar para Bubble menos de 40 dias após o lançamento do app.
@scientist Not really, I now have 2 apps in production out of 5 we are going to be building with Adalo this year. The first one was zapTV, a live tv streaming app that now has more than 1.6k users, some times we get 400/500 users online at the same time, and seriously, performance is not that bad. It was terrible when I first launched it back in October 2020. I am now building a Beauty Service Delivery Platform with 2 apps (Customers and Professionals) in Adalo. I first did it using Adalo’s database and now I am moving all collections and adapting business logic to Directus with external collections and external auth (which is still in beta) and in both cases, performance is not that bad anymore. We tested Draftbit, FlutterFlow, Bravo Studio, Appgyver, Glide… so trust me, Adalo still a great solution. They are slow when comes to release new features, I desperately need the user’s current location (like, simple coordinates, that’s all) and I’ve been waiting for what? 6 months I think! But that’s ok, I know it will come at some point. So don’t say things like that, you and I can’t code properly, otherwise, we wouldn’t be here, so by doing unfair critics about the platform you may be disappointing all those talented developers that are trying to make life easier for both of us.
Thanks for your feedback @adalojosh.
I know you just arrived so welcome to the community and good luck directing the product towards better performance and some new exciting features. Performance improvements are necessary to move forward with all the features requested by the community. Some of them like GPS location have more than 700 votes now. Communities like Bravo Studio, Flutterflow, and Draftbit dream with that amount of “engaged” users, so don’t lose the pace, we will be here as long as we believe in the team. I still believe but really wanna see results that affect my life and my business in good and prosperous ways.
Thanks for sharing real use case and encouraging feedback. Much appreciated. I agree with you. We’re not that good of a coder. I have also tried multiple no-code tools but was never sold on any one! So yes Adalo has good features to offer.
As far as criticism is concerned, I believe it’s always a good thing. If there is no criticism, there is no growth whatsoever!
By the way, if you feel comfortable, would it be possible to share the links of your apps just so I can check them out? I’m planning to launch multiple apps which are about training/education. I hope some real hard core apps will give me more confidence about Adalo.
Sure, these are the 2 ones i mentioned:
I will create test accounts for you.
Thank you, can’t wait to check it out!
Thanks for the update @adalojosh . Hope there’s some new updates this week
Fala Bruno… Temos um grupo Brasileiro de usuários Adalo no Whatsapp… você poderia participar? se sim, me informa o seu contato por gentileza. Abraços!
Hi @adalojosh , hope there’s some updates you can share this week about the progress you mentioned about earlier
I find that there is less and less communication coming from adalo.
I find your solution formidable while knowing that it is necessary to continue to improve it so that it is the best.
I have a question about your database. I am developing a health application and I would like to know your certification. Do you use Amazon server? What can you tell me about this, because I have no answer elsewhere on this forum.
Thank you for your kindness and your feedback.
Unfortunately event after raising tickets Adalo can not give timeline to improve the click speed & data load speed.
I am ready to commercially launch the apps on ios and android both. Its published on both stores. But can not introduce to client or do publicity due to lack of performance.
its been more than 2 months my app is ready.
its 2nd time i developed the app as i felt slow down might be due to data structure.
But no, its lacking
Hi Adalo, you have introduced great platform but it can not used commercially as per my experience.
I request further at least wave off the charges as there is no point to pay for platform for just parking the code.
if we can use it commercially you are welcome to charge. you can add more plan slabs to as per performance.
Agreed. Seems like paying for testing the app. I have mostly text in my app (not images loading randomly) and small actions like update status of records etc. But still it is painfully slow.
As per my experience so far, it’s only good for creating mockups which was Adalo’s original purpose, but not for commercial apps.
I don’t care how long it takes. Concentrate on improving the speed in the long run. I have two apps ready and will wait another year to release them, if necessary. But when the performance is ready, the greatest app the world has ever seen will be released
As per reply by adalo,
App is slow out side US.
Is anyone running app in US and not having performance issue ??
If it’s going good then I will try to launch it in US at least.
Hey, any updates?
Even an “it will take some days more” is better than the classic “well we are writing nothing and don’t communicate”…
Hey all, I’m working with the team on some updates right now. We have “Speed up Lists with Counts” specifically just about all wrapped up with testing! I’ll check back in on Wednesday and let you know if we hit any snags or regressions as we push it out. As always, thanks for your patience!