Scheduling needs fixing. Anyone willing to help?

Hi all,

I have created an app for one dental clinic with main function of patient scheduling appointments, receptionist scheduling appointments and making schedule for doctors.
These are the variables that I have to put into scheduling system:

-Time slot
-Dental office(doctor have 2 dental offices)

So when patient tries to schedule he would first pick which doctor he wants to have an appointment with, then he needs to pick the date and when he pick that then he should have a timeslot to pick but only AVAILABLE time slots for that date and for that doctor. This also need to happen when receptionist tries to schedule with just one extra step, he/she need to specify for what patient she is making an appointment.
@dilon_perera helped me with making it work when doctor is scheduling the patient because then we can filter the available time slot on specific date by LOGGED IN USER but we have a problem when receptionist or a patient tries to schedule an appointment with a specific doctor.

Does ANYONE knows how we can solve this problem?

Any help would be appreciated!

I didn’t think Adalo was HIPPA compliant

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The man, the myth, the legend @dilon_perera solved it by figuring out how @Yongki reservation app works.
Adalo please put this man on a payroll if you already didn’t :slightly_smiling_face:
He is solving problems left and right and helping developers a lot!


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Thanks Buddy! Appreciate the kind words! Actually went to cry because this was the greatest comment I got!