Send Stripe amount information not working

Hi, I’m having a list of products with their price.
the flow of screens is product list -> product detailed view -> payment.

But I’m unable to have the magic formula of adalo recall the current list item price. It works in the same screen as the checkout but not in the Stripe Payment component (it’s working when I use it for subscription but not for one time payment.)
What am I doing wrong?


Are you sending that data to that screen? It will only be available if you are sending it there from a list that has an action linking to that screen.

@anon78309838 Yes I’m sending that data. As you can see in this image, the price data is there. But on the Stripe component (first picture), I don’t see the option to recall that data, even though it’s on the same screen

@anon78309838 was I clear with my problem? Do you know how to solve it? many thanks

I looked at the screen you are referring to and there is not available data being sent to that screen.

I can see from your screenshot that there was once data being sent there so you must have changed something which broke the data link at some point. My advice would be to go through the screens again and check that the data is being sent to where it is needed.

thanks. I’ve looked at it again. But the data is getting sent to that screen (the price tag is getting that data). it’s just the price in the stripe component that’s not getting there. When I try it for a subscription it works, but not for one-time payment. See this video:

I couldn’t find this app on your account. Has it been renamed perhaps? OR did you resolve this issue already?

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