Setting a certain amount of fields based off of user input

Hi there - My app is for Real Estate and I am looking for a way to automatically list out a certain number of fields based off of user input.

So, the user will enter how many floors a building has and than based off of that input I am hoping that the app can list out that number in a form.

For example, a user will enter information for a building and will also list how many floors that building has. From there, I am hoping the app will be able to list out the number of floors and than the user would go into each floor and can update how information on the tenants that are on that floor.

In the screen shot below, the user has said there are 9 floors, so I am hoping there is a way that Floors can already be added -Right now, I need to manually add each floor.

Any and all help would be much appreciated.

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Use a list of floors. User can add a floor record. Then you can display a list of floors, and each list item has it’s own input field with a save button next to it.

Thanks you, @theadaloguy - Ok, I think I am following. So instead of doing it on an input… I would create a list of floors that the user would click on. Any chance you would be able to mock this up (if it wouldn’t take long)

There would be an input still, but displayed on the list item (no need to click to a new page). So there would be inputs showing for however many list items there are. Just drag input field onto list.

Thank you, @theadaloguy - I am not sure I am completely following but I will give it a try… Appreciate the response!

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