Setting up Stripe component

Hi everyone! I’m trying to install Stripe component for one-time payment. The problem is that all I have in a test mode is an error “an unknown error occurred. please make sure your card number is correct and try again” :pray:

Maybe there are mistakes in the way I did it — I’ve installed Stripe component, set price etc, I didn’t create any databases with my products cause I have only 4 of them and it’s easier for me to create 4 different screen for these purposes. Also I didn’t see any forms where I could choose from Stripe account product that I want to sell,…

I’ve already checked that both Adalo and Stripe are in test mode and I’ve used right keys, Stripe connect is active in Adalo as well.

P.S. Did I get It right that Marketplace properties are only used when we have multiple merchants ? and if I am the only one merchant I should leave these fields empty ? (feel that’s stupid question :grinning: )

Thank you a lot in advance! You guys are very helpful community!

Hey @Helenakin,

I had a similar issue when I was setting up the Stripe component for one-time payments. I spoke to Stripe about the issue and they said they couldn’t see the attempts on their end.

So…In my case it seemed to be an issue with the component itself while in test mode. I tested this by making a payment with my own card ($1) to test the Live mode and it worked.

I recommend trying this if you are sure you’ve set it up correctly.


thanks a lot for sharing your experience ! I’ll try it in live mode then. Can you please also tell how you manage to do this part ?

Ok, I’ve found solution for my case — it was so simple! In test mode you need to use cards from their list. Test cards

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