I’m trying to show a button only if two (would really like it to be three) conditions are true. I want to show a button if a record property is not empty (i.e. “if logged in user>field is not equal to empty”) AND if another record’s true/false is set to false ("collection>field is false). I saw other posts suggest making the button a group and setting one condition on the group and another on the button, but the group visibility condition is ignored no matter what I set it to. It only shows based on button visibility and the group visibility has no effect at all. I can set it to any condition and any field from any collection and same result).
So in the video the button only visible If the full name is not equal to empty and signed should be false.
So when the user signup I set a automatically field to update the signed true/false property to false but when the user didn’t type the full name he can’t see the button. The full name cannot empty. So this button only appearing if that two conditions are correct. So the Full name cannot be empty and the signed true/false property cannot be true. And If the signed true/false property is false but the full name is empty that button is not appearing. You can see in the video what I said. The button name is visibility.
The field doesn’t change, it’s static (in this example). And like I said, I could set the condition to be literally anything and it doesn’t change visibility at all.
Correct, the button should be visible to the logged in user only if that property is true. But I could literally make it a condition where a field = X and it will still show 100% of the time. For me, it just ignores the group visibility condition
Ungroup the button and set the visibility condition to the button and see. And ungroup and group again and see. And delete the button and add another one and group it and set the visibility condition and see. And If not the best thing is Submit a support ticket.
Thank you for testing this. Maybe something got corrupted with my button I have tried deleting and re-adding the group with no change. The button visibility does work, just not the group visibility. I submitted a support ticket. Thanks anyway.