Sign in with Apple - invalid client error message

Was wondering if someone may be able to point out where I may have not configured things for the “Sign in with Apple” component. I attempted to follow the steps to create the bundle ID and the app ID, but when testing out it lands on a web page that says “invalid client”.

Any idea what I may have done wrong? Does the app need to be published before this works?

As this is still a new component, I’m not too familiar with it yet myself.

Can you share a screenshot of your setup of this component? (Please make sure to blur out any sensitive data).

Hi @HalAtkins,

It worked for me in a Adalo’s Preview app mode. So no need to do it from a native app as I understand.
However, I’ve made a test on an app which has been published on Testflight before (so Bundle ID & other stuff was configured already).

The only thing which I discovered was that Service ID (for the Apple ID login) should be different from Bundle ID (the one used for the app itself).

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