April 14, 2022, 3:00pm
Hi everyone,
I have a chat feature in my app
And I want users to be able to start chats with people that verify (follow/friended) their accounts
In the simple list I want to filter out users that ALREADY have existing chats with the logged in user, so I apply this filter below
This is the result: no users are filtered out. When I switch the variable in the filter from “Does not contain” to “Contains”, all users are filtered out.
Any help would be very much appreciated!
what is the logged-in user verificators list? what does it contain?
I see that this is the problem, use “all users” instead of that and it’ll work
April 14, 2022, 5:51pm
This didn’t work, I encountered the same problem. I solved the problem though in a roundabout way.
By having a screen right afterwards that displays all chatrooms you have with the current user, a user can manage duplicate chatrooms on their own.
Hopefully in the future I can figure out a better way
Hi Ari,
I guess this is a bug. Not fully sure! Try Submitting a support ticket .
What happens if you group the components inside the list and add that filter to the group? But the opposite filter that you have added in your post. Like this :
Or try putting the Follow Logic there.
Thank you
April 24, 2022, 5:59pm
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