Simple QR code to link to page in web app

I have read all of the posts about QR codes and I’m not sure I understand what the simplest and easiest solution to my problem is. Lets say I have a logged in user create a list of recipes on his account. I want to generate a QR code that he can either print or share with others so that when scanned, it goes directly to his list of recipes. I want the person scanning the generated QR code to simply be able to use their phones camera to go directly to the recipe page of that particular user. I would have multiple users and want that QR code only to link to one user.

What seems to be the simplest way to do that? I’m happy to purchase a new component, but do not want to waste my time or money downloading components that will not accomplish what I want if I can avoid it.

Thank you,

this question has been out there some time with no real responses. Is it that it is too elementary for anyone to waste their time with, or is it not something that is possible to do. I’m not being feisty at all, so please dont read it that way. I genuinely would love some help with this issue and am surprised with the amount of responses other post get and I haven’t received any. If anyone could even just point me in the right direction, it would be much appreciated.


Hi @SidecarMike,

Unfortunately, it’s not so easy to achieve this on Adalo by itself.
Adding recipes and displaying them as a list filtered by a user is an easy task. However, you will need somehow to (a) get the URL of this filtered list and (b) wrap it into the QR code.

The challenging part is (a). There is no built-in method in Adalo to get the URL of a page in the app from inside the app (and this is what you need - in order to generate a code, you need a URL). Long time ago I did similar thing with URL generation for the restaurants, but this was done from outside the app and URLs were pretty static.
Maybe deeplinking can help here. One of the components available is created by @njimmy10, so he may be able to advice on this part.

The other part is (b) - how to generate QR code and share it. There is a component for QR code generation in the marketplace; so if you get URL, you can easily generate the code and show it on the phone. However, if you’d like to share this code in some way, that’s more challenging. Adalo isn’t able to share images (using “share” option), only text; but that might be not required as you can simply send the URL. If you’d like to share QR code by email, you will need some 3rd party integration software like Make - to generate image with code and then send this image by email.

Hope this helps.


thank you Victor for your response. This helps tremendously. The URL’s that I would want to generate QR codes for would be static so perhaps what you did a while back would be helpful to me if you are willing to share how you did it. I will try to reach out to @njimmy10 for more advice as well.
