Re: the text jumping up during filtering. I bet if I put an invisible rectangle around the list, that would keep the text from jumping up as the list was filtering.
I have no idea how I might prevent the app from scrolling to top though…
Hey @James_App_Maker. No sir, that’s the app in Test Flight on my iPhone 12 mini.
I mean that when I’m filtering a list, the following problems occur:
When I click a filter topic, the current list items disappear for a moment and then the correct list items show (this is how it should happen). But during that transition, text which exists below the list, floats up to take up the space where the list items were. Once the transition is finished, the list items push that text back down to where it should be.
When I filter the list, if I am scrolled down the page, the app kicks me up to the top of the page and I have to scroll down to get back to the list.
I don’t think I can explain it better than that, and hopefully the video does a better job, but that’s those are the issues.
You can actually do this using complex visibility rules. Here’s an example:
So I assume that the courses being displayed are in a list: Audio courses are in the Audio collection etc.
Firstly, you’re going to need to add some boolean properties to the user’s table (eg: Show Audio true, Show Marketing true etc). This is for the complex visibility condition.
Next, change your list’s visibility according to the boolean properties.
If you want to show your Audio courses, then set your audio list to “will be visible if Hide Audio = True”. (this is because the default boolean setting is always going to be false, hence the audio lists will automatically be shown.)