Space below bottom navigation on Android

My app has a blank white space below the bottom navigation on android (I have not checked on ioS yet)
What can be done to solve this ?
(See the area marked with red borders in the below image)

Hi @Nitish ,

Try to make the status bar = hidden in the left panel when you click screen title.

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Hi @Nitish,

This is a long known problem and I have also been waiting for a fix from Adalo, you may have also realised your shadows don’t work in the android app, this is another issue with the Android builds. Both issues do not persist on Apple as you have said you haven’t tested it yet.

Hey @Nitish! If you haven’t already, could you please Submit a Support Ticket for the same? Thanks!


Hey @Astha I have submitted the query

Hey @Yongki I tried doing what you suggested, but now the top bar is behaving wierd. On screens where I have the bottom navigation, the top bar comes a bit down and the notification bar disappears. Whereas on screens where I don’t have the bottom bar, it moves up and the notification bar is visible

This is the side effect of having workaround.

But I see that you have submitted support ticket, let’s see what they come up with a solution.

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