Squishing of elements in list with conditional visibility components


Adding images with conditional visibility inside my list makes it appear in an odd manner. Any ideas on how to make it appear nicely?

Without the conditional visibility images (in previewer)
Capture d’écran 2021-08-24 à 10.51.25

With the conditional visibility images (in previewer)
Capture d’écran 2021-08-24 à 10.51.10

With conditional visibility (screenshot of adalo web app screen display)
Capture d’écran 2021-08-24 à 10.54.56



Yeah- this is a known problem that’s been around for a long time. As far as I know, there is no solution- the only thing is to not put any conditional text on top of any images.

One recommendation I have is to make sure none of the boxes overlap. Sometimes that causes adverse reactions.

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Thanks. How frustrating! I guess I’ll go for something else.

Hi @Jane,

You could try 2 options:

  • put a “layout rectangle” below the elements which are conditionally visible. Keep all the conditionally visible elements inside the boundaries of this rectangle.
  • create 2 conditionally visible elements, which are “mutually exclusive” (i.e. only one could be visible). Place them one right on top (not covering) the other.

Unfortunately, finding right layout always is done via trial and error…

Best regards, Victor.

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