I have a couple of questions!
1 - How I can disconnect stripe accounts? (I need to change to my test account)
2 - On the 3 steps to setting up Merchant Payment
1Step - When I set up my account didn’t show my all these options (Set up your Stripe Account for Stripe Connect - Adalo Resources) Is that normal?
2Step - When the user dude@gmail.com try connect to stripe account give me this error - {“error”:{“message”:“No application matches the supplied client identifier”}} - This user needs to be a valid email with strip account?
My Idea is to do an app for small businesses! They connect to there strip account and I get a % of each payment. Can you guys help me with this!
As of right now, there is no way to disconnect the link. You may have to delete the component and add it again.
Step 1
Some options might not be there for everyone based on your country and other variables wihtin your account. some can be manually added too. There is great help articles on those points on the stripe website.
Step 2
Yes the email must be a valid email address registered with stripe.
I tried delete and add it again but its doesn’t disconnect.
Thank you.
Regarding the Step 2 I tried with a valid email the same email as a stripe account and I got the same erro {“error”:{“message”:“No application matches the supplied client identifier”}}.
I think I am doing something wrong and I dont know what!
Sopmac I am running into the same issue. I get the message {“error”:{“message”:“No application matches the supplied client identifier”}} when clicking on the Stripe Connect button. I am pretty sure that I hooked up everything correctly. I am researching why. If I come up with a solution I will make sure to share
Actually figured it out! You have to make sure there is absolutely no extra spaces anywhere. Sometimes when you paste the Client Key it can generate an extra space. Make sure to remove and it should work.
@Sopmac could you share a screenshot of the sidepanel showing the setup of your stripe component. (of course please hide any personal info from there).
@Sopmac and @anon78309838 what I have been able to identify as a possible issue is that is not saving the “STRIPE ACCOUNT ID” for the merchant on the Merchant Table. At least when I look at that portion the field is completely empty. I have tried to copy/paste the Account ID that I can see on Stripe directly to the table but that doesn’t work. Then again maybe that is not what is causing the issue.
Did you “STRIPE ACCOUNT ID” fields on merchant table populate @Sopmac after your merchants connected their stripe account?
Hello @maxmaxwell No I can’t get the STRIPE ACCOUNT ID on my merchants collection.
But I try copy and past the “STRIPE ACCOUNT ID” from the client account and that is not working, O the Dashboard of stipe I got the Customer who paid, but not the transaction. That is the strange thing too!