Hi @nocodemaker, I checked my Stripe logs and it shows the POST request as OK 200, but the charge is not in my stripe account.
It says Version: 2018-11-08, so I’m not sure if Adalo is using an outdated API for Stripe?
My Woocommerce transactions are going through with a 2019 API.
Also, the POST body from Adalo only includes the credit card info and I don’t see an amount or anything else being passed.
I just saw the Stripe test mode, turned it on, and tried it again. Got the same “An unknown error” message in Adalo with the same log results in Stripe.
Thanks @anon78309838 I appreciate it! I just tried it again and still giving me the same error. I think something is broken inside the Stripe component.
Is this still the case? I see that the bug has been reported as being resolved. If it is still not working. I will reset the bug ticket to not be resolved.
@anon78309838 just tried again with both a real credit card and test mode and both failed with the same exact error. Is this because the Marketplace settings/functions are broken?