I am not able to move to next screen after an action finishes. I am able just to go back to previous page. I am building an app where customer can add his bank account to the app.
First of all I am displaying a list of banks to the customer.
which looks like this:
then when customer clicks on a bank then I generate a link by using XANO backend which would allow me to direct the customer to bank’s authentication.
In this function I enter just two inputs (bankID, which customer does by clicking on the screen (this works and I am able to save it in DB) and userID so I can link it to the customer.
All of this is successfull and I can see in my DB that all fields are successfully stored (2 from Adalo and 4 others from different APIs)
As the next function I link it to the next screen like a regular screen
but when I preview and choose a bank (and I see the there is succesful entry in DB with all the data) I am directed to a loading page which never ends and I am stuck in the loop. I’ve tried linking to other screens and still does not work. Can anyone help me, I am stuck here…