i’m trying to figure out how to add (## days) in subscription record so when when updating current subscription at checkout i just tell it ‘current time + current subscription date+time’ but when i go in to create the record the date and time is allowing me to only pick a date as oppose to entering ‘(+)6 days’.
any suggestions on this?
what i have opted to do is adding a number property and labeling it "date+time "and input the amount of days in the collection record and then updating subscription t checkout ‘current time’ + ‘current subscription>expiry date’. I AM OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS!<
“subscription plan > expiry date” is a number property with the number of days (7, 14, etc) as the date limits to just selecting a date and not ‘date from now’.
Typically, for subscriptions, you don’t have a “time” field. You could have a time field if you’d like, just that it’d be more complicated.
In my case, I only used a “date” field, so instead of having to multiply by 86400 seconds, I can just use an integer to represent the number of dates to add.
With regards to using true/false properties, there usually have to be a trigger to turn that switch on or off. You could use something like Zapier or Integromat to do that, but the costs will scale up pretty quickly if you have many users. Not sure if there’ll be a Stripe subscription widget soon on Adalo, but there’s a workaround that I’m using.
In my yoga booking app, the class book button checks if the user’s credits expiry is before the current date. If it is, then it’d send the user to a screen informing them of the credits expiry, and to buy a new class pack. That could be something you can consider as well
it occured to me earlier that what you meant is to INPUT ‘current time + plan > expiry date’ IN the date field property
what i’m understanding here (in my case scenario) is to trigger update action on home screen to check if looged in user > subscription > created date is before today then flip the switch… does this make sense?
can you share with me your best case scenario to flipping the switches (T/F) to False? i’m trying but i’m getting errors and i just need a bit of elaboration to better understand if i’m missing any significant step(s).
I use a splash screen for when they’re entering the app, if they’re overdue the get forced to a payment page. We don’t have any “switch”. We just prevent them from getting “into” the app.
thanks @Erik , i followed that tut you shared to do my set up.
However, in regards to your “restrict access” setup, what happens when their trial/subscription expires? How do they get reverted to “overdue” restricted access?
In that video I shared, we push them to a payments screen forcing them to pay to continue to use the app. If they don’t pay and try to log out and re log in, they’ll continually end up there until they pay…