Tapping into boolean value from conditions

I am trying to connect two conditional statements together to get a listing on the homepage of tasks, one condition (works) is based on the number of days since signup, the other (which isn’t working), is getting the status of a boolean value (empty or false) to be displayed.

I have the following Collections setup:

  1. Users (one user to many task progresses)
  2. Tasks (many tasks to many users)
  3. Task Progress (many task processes to one task / many task progresses to a user)

For some reason, I cannot get the status boolean value to show in the selection of criteria which exists in the task progress collection, while the listing shows the items from the tasks collection. I’d like the tasks collection to be used to pull the details of the task, but the task progress collection to be specifuc to the user and their view of the list.

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