"text-changing" button when clicked

Hi everyone!
I’m new on Adalo and I’m trying to make a button text change when clicked. Basically I’m developing a quiz app and I would like the “check your answer” button to turn into “Correct! Let’s move on” when clicked in case of correct answer.
Similar thing I would like to achieve with the hint button: click once: show the hint in the text input box, click again: show the solution in the text input box.
Is this achievable?
Thanks in advance :smiley:

Hi @alberto_Vertical,

Welcome to the community :partying_face:

After selecting the answer right?

Possible with visibility conditions but need to see your setup. Could you share your setup with some screenshots or from a video?

Thank you

Thanks again Dilon!
I’m working on a single answer quiz app so yes, after typing the correct answer and clicking the “check your answer” button I would like the text in the button to turn into “Correct!”
I thought I could do it by using the “update” option in the “add another action” dropdown but it only allows me to select “logged in user” so I can’t update the button.

This is how I have set it up at the moment: the check button (“verifica”) triggers a text input that says “correct answer” and then the “proceed” button becomes visible but I want to simplify to get to only 2 buttons (“check” and “hint/solution”) without text inputs

Any help?

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