Button's interaction

Can anyone help me out, please?

I’ve created a letter and a box on the same screen, so what I want to do is once u click on the letter, it can be redirected to the box. Is there any way I can do that?

Hi @MrMecg,

Welcome to the community :partying_face:

Could you explain the question a bit with more details? ( with some screenshots or from a video ? ) You have a letters list and once you click on a letter that letter added to the box?

Thank you


Hello @dilon_perera ,
Of course, let me explain myself a little bit better.

I have these letters and above them some “Dark Grey colored boxes”, so what I want is to click on letter “A” for example, and once I click on it, I would like that letter “A” to disappear from its original place and to reappear on one of the “Dark Grey Colored Box”.

Hope it’s a little bit clearer this time, my English is not that good but I0m trying to improve.

You have only these 4 letters or you have more letters and that is a list?

There are 8 letters created by the component “Text” and only 3 squares created by the component “Shape Rectangle”, cause there’s a 3-letter word that needs to be found.

Every letter can go to any square but at the end, there’s only one word that is going to appear as the winner.

Hi @MrMecg ,

If this is similar to Wordle, check this out,

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Hi Mauricio,

Sorry for the late response!

Yongki’s app has this feature! You can clone the app too for see the logic and add it to your app too! Thanks Yongki for making that!

Thank you


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