Text components not appearing on screen

Looking for some advice. I have been building a Cessna 172 checklist APP which is designed using the “tablet” layout only. When I try sharing the test APP, it doesn’t appear to be allowing the tester to open it and when the user advances from the menu screen to screens which display text components, none of the text components appear on the screen.

Any suggestions?


I’ve heard that Android has issues with Adalo. I don’t know if that has been fixed. Or, if that is a just a native app thing vs. web. I have not tried it myself. So, I would test with Apple, it could narrow-down where the problem is coming from.

Are the text components “always visible”?

Occasionally, Adalo is slow to load, or can act buggy. A refresh could fix it.
And / OR trying again every 10-30 minutes or so might work. Sometimes Adalo fixes itself. Luckily this doesn’t happen too too often.

Not that it should matter. Are you on a paid plan?

If you can’t figure it out, submit a ticket. You may want to share HOW the app was shared.

Without seeing it, or knowing more, the idea that the tester can’t open it, yet they can navigate and see other components, doesn’t add-up or make sense. I’m not trying to be rude or dispute what you’re saying… I’m just saying.

Regardless, it doesn’t sound right. Keep trying. Submit a ticket if it continues.