Text Input Not Working?


After a user signs up (email and password), they are directed to a page that asks for their first name. The first name section is a Text Input, which a user would type their name in; and then click the button below to Update the Logged In User’s first name. Updating the logged in user with the text input component doesn’t work… so I’ve also tried to set the button as a list of users; where the user’s email is equal to the logged in user’s email; and then update that current user… but neither seem to take the data from the text input and update the logged in user. Why isn’t the text input working?

Screen Shot 2022-12-13 at 1.45.30 PM

Could you grab a screen recording (I recommend Loom) showing how you have the action set up?

The more details you provide, the better we can assist you.

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